VS Project - a group of source code files 1. Creat Project 2. Project Type - Visual C++ 3. Template - Win 32 Console App 4. Give it a good name 5. Click "OK" 6. Click "Applicaion Settings" on the page that appears 7. Check "Empty Project" 8. Click "Finish" 9. Right Click on "Source Files", choose "Add New Item" 10. Choose C++ File 11. Give it a good name 12. Click "Add" Ctrl- F5 - Compiles and runs #include Purpose - To get IO primitives # - Compiler directive - an instruction to the compiler include - use this library (collection of primitives) <> - look for this library in the "path" using namespace std; pay attention to this part of the library void main() start of the algorithm {} terminators in the flowchart cout << "Hi mom"; cout - standard output device << - stream insertion operator Programming Language - syntax & vocabulary to give the computer instuctions Generations 1 Machine Language - only understood by the processor 2 Assembly Language - neumonics for machine language 3 High-Level Language - Abstracted from processor have a lot of primitives needs a compiler C++, Java, Pascel, ... 4 Very High-Level Language - Goal is "Natural Language" SQL - Structured Query Language Low level Languages are generations 1 & 2 Declaring a variable - getting memory for the variable data_type_name name_of_variable; int x; x = 7; an assignment